
About pacesadmin

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So far pacesadmin has created 4 blog entries.

Amendment 3 Ballot Vote Ongoing

By |2021-01-19T01:31:12+00:00January 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Paces Lake Members, A ballot was left in your mailbox (owners) or mailed to the owner's address of record (lessors) on January 6th, 2021. The ballot vote is ongoing through 1/31/21 at this time.  Please contact the board should you have any questions. If you do not submit a ballot vote, a door to door

Front Entrance Sign Selection

By |2019-11-02T15:13:41+00:00November 2nd, 2019|News, Uncategorized|

Residents chose option #1 in a 2:1 margin over option #3 for the front entrance sign design.  The new signs for the front monuments have been ordered and should be installed within the next month.  Thank you to all those who participated in voting. 

Sub Division Front Entrance Stone Monuments and Signs

By |2019-10-13T02:26:54+00:00October 13th, 2019|News|

During our last annual meeting residents expressed a desire to have the front entrance stone monuments repaired and sub division signs updated.  We are pleased to inform you that the stone monuments will be repaired and cleaned.  In addition the signs will be replaced.  Homeowners will be able to vote for the option they like

Paces Lake HOA Needs You

By |2019-09-30T23:45:50+00:00September 30th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Paces Lake HOA is looking for volunteers for the HOA Board of Directors and Architectural Committee for 2020.  Without volunteers for the upcoming term Paces Lake HOA will have to turn to an outside management company which will lead to HOA dues doubling.  Won't you please consider volunteering for either the board or architectural committee